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Monochromatic male portrait
Monochromatic male portrait
Airbrush a realistic fine art monochromatic portrait
Over 4 hours of HD video showing you step by step how to create this stunning fine art portrait.
We cover:
How to accurately assess your values
How to create skin texture with both free hand/erasing and also stencils
How to render realistic hair and facial hair
The importance of softness and subtlety
What tools help us achieve the realistic textures
+ much more!
I also narrate throughout the tutorial with my insights into the WHY as well as the HOW, this is very important in understanding the foundations of creating realism and enables you to implement the ideas in your next project.
I aim to provide a gentle, relaxed environment with a calming teaching manner so that you can really take your time and absorb the information being shown.
This is photo-realism, but a fine art realistic portrait that borders on photo-realism but retains a painterly feel that is more in fitting with a fine art portrait as opposed to a photo duplication.
This is the perfect course for anyone with lacking confidence in creating a realistic portrait that will provide you with everything you need at an accessible price point.
This is painted on reflex illustration board, but claybord will be a perfect substitute. If you have neither of these then synthetic paper will also work well. There are links in the course to all materials I use in the video.
This study is aimed at beginners or those who lack confidence in painting portraits. Due to this being monochromatic (one colour), we only need to focus on the values - how dark or light sections are and details we render. There is no colour to match or get confused by.
Any airbrush and any black paint will do. I use Holbein lamp black but I would also recommend Createx illustration colours transparent black.
You have life time access to the course and if any further help is needed, please feel to contact me via email and I will always do what I can to help
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