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Grisaille Skull (freehand)
Grisaille Skull (freehand)
An introduction to the method of creating a freehand skull using the timeless technique of Grisaille. This process is a focus purely on values and depth that allows us to create the foundations of our image without the distraction of colour.
We add colour in the very last stages, in the most simplest way imaginable that will allow anyone new to this process to render a fantastic piece of art.
This course contains hours of video direction explaining each step along the way with real time footage of me painting. You can follow along at your own pace
Aimed at those new or unfamiliar to this technique of painting, we have broken this down step by step and utilise a 'provision of thirds' principle that makes the process fool proof.
If you want to develop and progress with your free hand airbrush, then this is the perfect place to start.
You will need a basic understanding of airbrush control and be proficient with using simple techniques such as 'dagger' strokes.
- Paint without restriction on any surface
- Only the airbrush is needed, no additional tools
- Build depth that is unparalleled
- Freehand/stencils overview, and why these two methods should never be compared
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