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AC Art Academy

Advanced Female Portrait

Advanced Female Portrait

Regular price £80.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £80.00 GBP
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A full walkthrough of an advanced female portrait painted with the airbrush. This course goes from start to finish on how to create realistic textures, including skin without the reliance on stencils. This is aimed for those who have a good understanding of airbrush techniques including fine control of the airbrush and erasing techniques.

Painted on lanavanguard synthetic paper approximately A3 size (12" x 18")

Paints used: Createx illustration colours

Duration: 10+ hours full HD video

Extra reference materials included

This is not suitable for complete beginners.  It is presumed that you have a basic understanding of fine airbrush control and erasing techniques.  If you do, then this will be suitable no matter how far on your airbrush journey into realism you are.

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Refunds are not available on digital products

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