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Photo-realistic tiger
Photo-realistic tiger
Paint a photo-realistic tiger using an airbrush. Follow me in real-time as we work through this subject and paint it together. Although anyone can follow this, it is recommended that you have a basic knowledge of the airbrush.
We cover:
Rendering realistic fur
How to transfer your image to your substrate
Colour theory
Multiple tools to create different effects
The 3 C's of photo-realism
The key mistakes most people make when painting photo-realism
+ much more +
FREE BONUS SECTION - how to varnish and frame your finished work so that it is presented as true 'fine art'
You will need an airbrush, airbrush paints, simple tools available form any hobby shop for very little cost, such as erasers.
This painting is painted on synthetic paper (YUPO). The painting is done at 20 x 16 inches
Paints used are Createx illustration (colour wheel set) including:
Sepia, Black, White, Blue, Red Violet, Burnt umber, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, Orange, Yellow and Viridian. This is just a guide and all colours can be mixed from paints you may have already. The focus is on how to identify what colours to use and to adjust as you paint. I use distilled water on occasion to reduce the paint but 95% of the time, the paint is straight from the bottle.
Skill level: Intermediate to advanced, although anyone with a basic knowledge of airbrushing and erasing techniques will be more than able to follow along. If you have an airbrush and are familiar with the techniques used, everything is covered to help you create this image and more.
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